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Trusted Investment Guidance

The Ward Investment Group is built upon solid, studied advice, and trusted wealth management.

We bring extensive experience in constructing fixed income and equity portfolios to pursue total risk-adjusted returns that are aligned with your specific goals. 

Backed by Stifel's extensive resources, our team has access to the most up-to-date research in the industry.  We identify your needs, assets, and risk profile to provide you with comprehensive wealth management, both strategically and tactically.

Our independence, professional focus, industry knowledge, and experience help us in guiding you through ever-changing market conditions.

Ward Investment Group

Thomas E. Ward, Jr.

Senior Vice President/Investments

William Lynch, CFP

Associate Vice President/Investments

Kellie Ward

Registered Client Service Associate

Our Clients

We work closely with municipalities, corporations, money managers, and high-net-worth individuals. We also have broad experience advising public endowments, trusts, 401(k)s, and private retirement plans.
Growth GARP Value Pyramid

Our GARP Approach

Our growth at a reasonable price (GARP) approach combines aspects of value and growth investing to seek out stocks that are slightly undervalued, but are still expected to have strong earnings growth in the future.